What is GiroWeb?
GiroWeb is an IT full-service provider focussing on complete solutions for cashless ordering, payment and transaction clearing in the area of communal catering. We have more than three decades of experience and competence around cash & cashless systems with payment solutions for business catering as well as education catering all the way from kindergarten to university.
GiroWeb stands for cashless catering solutions with a competent and efficient one stop service provision. Our core competencies are fast and secure system and process implementations in company restaurants, canteens, refectories and cafeterias, also including operating and vending machines at work and in school.
From GiroVend to GiroWeb
The successful history of GiroWeb Germany starts with the mile stone invention of the first cashless payment solution for communal catering, developed at the time by Hess SB-Automatenbau. This technical innovation was called GiroVend, and it was based on cards with magnetic stripes (nowadays mainly replaced by RFID technologies such as Legic advant or MIFARE DESFire). Back then the predominant payment method in dining halls and similar facilities was cash.
In 2006 the cashless payment business was passed on to ASM and later to GiroWeb, in order to further leverage the potential in a market still dominated by cash. Since then we have been associated with state-of-the-art catering in the field of cashless payment solutions, i.e. business catering as well as university eateries, school lunchrooms and daycare centers. The network of regional branches covers all of Germany. Hence, your next GiroWeb partner is never far away.
Solutions, service & support
Cashless systems and payment solutions by GiroWeb combine secure technologies and intelligent networks with tradition and innovation. This provides an ideal basis for sustainable efficiency in your business or education catering environment.
Whether your catering facility includes efficient self-service terminals (such as a card loader to top up cards or accounts via different methods of payment), RFID card systems for external guests or mobile web apps for quick access, we create the best solutions for any catering setup (also including accessibility for wheelchair users).
GiroWeb provides a modular approach to software, hardware and system integration. Our solutions combine products and services such as RFID coding and seamless integration of chip-cards or transponders as well as customized brand design of your payment medium. Multi-functional chip-cards can also comprise other service functions e.g. restricted area access control, working time recording and parking lot access management.
GiroWeb: Products & services
- Management and transaction clearing in order to provide efficient administration
- Cash & cashless systems as well as peripheral modules to speed up payment and reduce queuing times
- Self-service terminals such as multifunctional loaders to issue and (re-)charge / top up RFID chip-cards
- Self-service terminals for flexible guest card management and pre-ordering of menu or meals
- Operation units: Card readers and controllers for payment at coffee, soda and vending machines (VMC)
- RFID cards: chip-cards and transponders for secure identification of card and holder
- RFID full-service provision: customized design, coding, integration and migration
- POS, web & app: Mobile software for Google / Android (e.g. tablets) + Apple / iOS devices (e.g. iPads)
- Full-service offer: Consulting, project management, installation and training
- Back-office service: Additional individual services for your operating environment
GiroWeb: Software & Hardware
& Transaction Clearing
& Peripherals
& (Re-) Charging
& Guest Systems
& Controllers
& Smartcards
Top 10 reasons for GiroWeb
Efficient payment is key for today’s success in business catering as well as education catering. With a GiroWeb solution, direct clients and catering partners, opt for a combination of cashless competency, reliable partnership and a long-term hedging of their investments, while keeping cost reasonably low. In order to provide you with a quick overview, we have put together the top 10 benefits of a partnership with us:
1. Competence & experience
For over 30 years GiroWeb has been a first mover, pioneer and partner for cashless catering.
2. One stop solution partner
As a full-service provider we offer everything from A to Z around cashless payments.
3. Certified quality
Reliable solutions made in Germany – from design and development to implementation and service.
4. Nearby regional contacts
GiroWeb is your regional partner offering you local service and support.
5. Top value for money
We stand for fair pricing, high quality, and state-of-the-art solutions.
6. Managed investment risk
We hedge your investments by providing reliable operations and long-term availability of spare parts.
7. Efficient service
At GiroWeb you have direct access to experienced technical support staff in your region.
8. Transparency + fairness
No hidden costs, expensive help desk or endless waiting loops in IVRs.
9. All inclusive packages
Comprehensive packages, whether you buy or rent, for catering partners and direct B2B clients.
10. Long track-record of clients
Satisfied customers and clients with excellent references across all business areas.
Regional offices in Germany
GiroWeb Mitte GmbH
Industriestr. 4
65779 Kelkheim, Hesse
E-Mail: info-mitte@giro-web.com
Image: Contact GiroWeb Mitte GmbH
GiroWeb Nord GmbH
Heinkelstr. 21
30827 Garbsen, Lower Saxony
E-Mail: info-nord@giro-web.com
Image: Contact GiroWeb Nord GmbH
GiroWeb Süd GmbH
Max-Eyth-Str. 38
71088 Holzgerlingen, Baden-Württemberg
Image: Contact GiroWeb Süd GmbH
GiroWeb West GmbH
Lüttringhauser Str. 92
42369 Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia
Image: Contact GiroWeb West GmbH
We are looking forward to getting in touch with you!
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GiroWeb CCS - Cashless Catering Solutions
+ IT-Systemhaus für Bestellung, Bezahlung & Abrechnung
+ Spezialist für bargeldlose Kassen- & Zahlungssysteme
+ Über 30 Jahre EDV-Berater für Caterer & Direkt-Kunden
+ Top-Kompetenz in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung (GV)
+ Effizienz für Betriebsgastronomie (Business Catering)
+ ASP & FSP für Schulverpflegung (Education Catering)
+ Alles aus einer Hand. Deutschlandweit. Regional.